Extra Virgin Olive Oil Dolce di Rossano and Mediterranean food

extra virgin olive oil is the pillar of the Mediterranean diet and should represent the main source of dietary fats. Eating healthy and with taste to take care of your body, providing it with the right percentage of "good" fats, not only does not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, preventing the onset of certain diseases, but also extends life.
Olio Evo Dolce di Rossano: features and benefits
A series of recent studies confirm the benefits of extra virgin olive oil in nutrition due to its composition, as it contains high percentages of oleic acid, polyphenols and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and for its digestibility. The Dolce di Rossano oil is distinguished by its organoleptic profile: medium fruity, a hint of almond to the taste, balanced in the taste sensations of bitter and spicy, with a prevalence of sweet. The medium-sized olive is a fine native variety of the Calabrian territory, grown in the Ionian area of Cosenza and mainly in Rossano, from which it takes its name. The Dolce di Rossano trees in our olive grove are centuries-old trees, planted by previous generations of our family's olive growers and represent a landscape symbol and a cultural heritage that we are committed to preserving. This is why we decided to dedicate the Saecŭlāris line, from the secular Latin, to this variety, in honor of the trees bequeathed by our ancestors. Inside each bottle there is not only the oil but also the history and passion that over the years has united entire generations of the Converso family around a real cult for this wonderful plant and its precious extract.
The olive harvest must be done at the right point of ripeness, when it increases in volume, becoming more tender, rich in oil and a color tending to purple, depicted in label with purple leaves on the side. The oil obtained is yellow with green reflections and we have represented it with the iridescent green circle. The taste has a hint of almond, typical of the Dolce di Rossano, and is represented by the central leaf with a warm beige color
Saecularis and Mediterranean cuisine: culture, history, art and science
Let's dispel a belief: not all oils are good for seasoning every dish, but you should learn to combine the oil according to the dishes, as you do with the wine. Each cultivar has characteristics that, for flavors and aromas, lend themselves to the condiment of certain dishes. Cooking is culture, history and science and it is surprising how the choice of an oil can enhance or on the contrary dominate a good dish ... otherwise we are just preparing food, giving up taste for lack of knowledge. The presence of specific aromatic notes favors the use of Saecularis extra virgin olive oil as an ingredient for traditional first courses, grilled meat and fish, wild salads and vegetable soups. It enhances the gastronomic traditions of our Mediterranean cuisine in a mix of flavors, culture and territorial identity.